What To Expect On Your First Appointment

Visiting the dentist can be nerve-wracking, especially if it’s your first time. But knowing what to expect may put your mind at ease.
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Your First Dental Appointment At Transcendental Chatswood

The first dental appointment is a great opportunity for the dentist to learn about your oral health history and dental needs. It is also the time for you to be aware of your teeth, gums, and mouth health. During a regular dental visit, you may expect a comprehensive oral examination, a dental cleaning, and the development of a personalised treatment plan.

Your first dental appointment is crucial in establishing a healthy oral care foundation. It enables your dentist to thoroughly evaluate your oral health and provide tailored guidance to maintain a radiant smile.

Discover How to Achieve a Healthier Smile with TranscenDental Chatswood!

Using cutting-edge technology, TranscenDental Chatswood is dedicated to providing our patients with quality dental care. Take the first step towards achieving a radiant, healthy smile and book an appointment with us now!

Get To Know TranscenDental Chatswood

At TranscenDental Chatswood, our team is dedicated to providing an outstanding dental experience that is comfortable, engaging, and efficient. So you can feel at ease from the moment you step through our doors.
Furthermore, our team will secure to answer all your questions and provide you with a clear understanding of your oral health status.

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We Accept All Health Funds at

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No Gap New Patient Offer

Our New Patient Package at Transcendental Chatswood is GAP-FREE for private health fund holders! 🦷

 The New Patient Package includes?

🧑🏻‍⚕️ Comprehensive Examination
🩻 X-ray and OPG radiographs
🦷 Check-Up and Clean
⭐️ Fluoride

No Insurance? No problem! You can attend a thorough check-up, x-rays and clean appointment for $250.